
Celtic music with a Scottish flair!
Rousing calls to action, wistful ballads, and sly humor - all in the Scottish songs of Highland Way.
Favorites from Scottish tradition mixed with modern ballads, instrumentals, familiar Irish melodies, sea chanteys, and a few surprises along the way!
Under the direction of the charismatic Brian Caldwell from Glasgow, the Highland Way musicians sing of work and play, conflict, love, and the gathering of friends.
High energy, spirited music, friendly banter, and great fun! Presenters comment on the joy that these performers bring to their music and connection with their audiences.
4-6 musicians (vocals plus guitar, fiddle, accordion, mandolin, guitar, and bodran.)
Outreach: family matinees, ed shows, workshops. Great rapport with students!
"Their excellent, inspired musicianship, great songs, and dynamic stage presence were a wonder to behold. A presenter is always hopeful that the artists will captivate and hold the audience throughout the performance. Highland Way did just that!"
Marsha Gebara, Redlands Bowl, CA
Highland Way has ... " a special way of interacting with the audience..whether igniting clapping and laughter or bringing tears to their eyes!"
Amy Booker, Dahlonega, Georgia
"Caldwell's voice is rich and sonorous, and even if Yank ears can't always make out what he's saying in that Glaswegian accent of his, it's a joy to listen to."
CD Reviews, North County Times, CA